Caption: After I post deranged memes despite being innocent af

Picture of a girl giggling sinisterly by @Senukin69

Needless to say, I’m not much of a slut or a rebel in real life, nor am I a confrontational person. I almost always let other drivers cut in front of me (they must be in more of a rush than I am), I always try to stay out of people’s way(on the road and everywhere else), and I’m overly considerate(I don’t like making others unhappy) 😖

I’m a huge wuss by nature. I’ve had to learn to be assertive, but my default reaction is always caution. I was a goodie-two-shoes as a kid. I only needed to be told not to do something once, not because I was scared of punishment, but because I was scared of harming someone. I’ve been drunk once and I’ve never gotten high. I’m honestly ashamed of how boring I am. I want to try life more, but I don’t even know where to start 😥

  • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.worldOPM
    1 month ago

    You’re right. The biggest problem is how risk averse I am. It has kept me very safe, but it’s also prevented me from meeting and connecting with people. Taking the leap of transitioning got delayed because I was scared. It wasn’t until I realized I couldn’t live without making it that I committed. I mainly don’t want to hold myself back in fear any longer.

      1 month ago

      if its a fear of meeting new people i totes get that. like, meeting strangers kinda sucks n there’s the risk they’re not good people. there’s that saying that’s like “strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet” or somefin like that, but that’s generic advice imo. what worked for me was finding out what people are interested in an being interested in that. ik it’s kinda weird and almost sounds like bein a social chameleon but imo people tend to connect more with people who have similar interests or show interest in what they care about, so when i showed effort in learning/engaging about the things they were interested in we ended up talking more.

      also people love to talk about themselves so ask a ton about them, but also like actually listen to and care about what they’re sayin. that’s what worked for me for the most part (obvs sometimes its not gonna work cuz humans are a very varied species)