• Riccosuave@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    What an absolutely abhorrent, nihilistic, and futilitarian outlook to have…truly, I feel sorry for you m8.

    • F_Haxhausen@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      I don’t need your pity. And I don’t accept it.

      You say I think it’s futile? You are right. I am a defeatist. Humans have defeated themselves.

      Look at how many are murdered and are exploited by capitalism. Apple computers uses a factory in China that worked its “employees” so hard many commuted suicide. Much of the chocolate in the world uses forced child labor. Companies that make cell phones and computers often use slave labor.

      Now go read about The Great Leap Forward in China. Where somewhere between 15 million to 45 million peasants were killed during forced collectivization. (There is some evidence that it is in the higher range.)

      And they weren’t just killed accidentally, or by negligence. They were very very often tortured, buried alive, they were often forced to beat their family members, they were forced to eat human feces, many committed suicide…. The list goes on and on and on about the atrocities that were done to people.

      And now remember that we did almost ZERO as scientists told us over and over for decades that burning fossil fuels is a major cause of climate change. We are on the door step of climate horrors happing all the time and we are still mainly concerned with the question of, did Disney ruin Star Wars. Or which fan base of which show is the most unreasonable.

      In the end, there is no system to keep people from behaving like people. And people are terrible, ignorant, violent, mostly concerned with their fantasy worlds that help them remain insulated from reality.