• deweydecibel@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Exactly this.

    It’s possible the cash deposit isn’t being used by enough people so they aren’t being informed it isn’t working often enough to actually do anything about it. It could be some simple malfunction, and a maintenance call to the manufacturer could fix the issue in minutes.

    Happens a lot in work places, and in tech spaces in general. People don’t want to “raise a fuss” or be labeled “complainers”, so they don’t speak up.

    Always speak up. Don’t assume they’re aware of your concerns. Feedback is important, don’t withhold it.

    I’ve seen this happen countless times. Some printer or whatever in the office hasn’t been working properly for years, but they just got used to putting up with it and never put a ticket into IT. Then I eventually find and out 20 minutes was all it took to fix it.