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I’m a little stirred up and I don’t know why. It’s natural to watch that kind of stuff. But it somehow feels awkward now, being his child. I don’t know. Anybody got any, like, advice? On how to get over it? Dads? Children of dads?

Hey, at least it was labelled MILF and not young teenage girl.

    22 days ago

    I’m in my 30s now, so perhaps I am out of touch with my younger self, but I don’t remember being bothered by the idea of my parents sexuality.

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’s abnormal to be bothered by it. I’ve heard plenty of people joke about how gross it is that their parents had sex or whatever. I don’t really understand it exactly. I guess maybe it’s just an embarrassing subject!

    Also, not to pile on, but don’t look at your poor old dad’s web history! What a nightmare! Lol