A while ago, on Threads, I found SNL offering advice on how to deal with gifted items. She seems to believe if she mentions them in her stories she doesn’t need to disclose to the CRA. I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.

  • bunniculamonroe@lemmy.ca
    29 days ago

    I absolutely agree. My husband lost his job last April (a year ago) and we dropped to one income with no warning. This year has been such a struggle with increasing costs and I am self-employed and just got nailed for my taxes. It’s so high even the CRA agent I spoke with on the phone for another manner apologized, and once I get this paid off it will be time to start it all over again. There really is no chance to get ahead anymore unless you are wealthy.

    • MoonChild@lemmy.caOP
      29 days ago

      I am so sorry you’re in this situation and I hope better days are ahead. Average people can’t avoid the CRA and Influencers shouldn’t be able to either. I know this one, most likely, has an accountant and most things are done legally but legally doesn’t always equate to ethically. There are whole systems in place to hide and repurpose things to avoid paying. What people fail to realize is that those taxes go to programs to help other people in need, hopefully autism programs, health care, LTC, public health……The list is long and when the highest income earners don’t pay up society suffers and so does the average taxpayer

      • ladybonerforjustice@lemmy.ca
        29 days ago

        Exactly, for this reason I don’t begrudge paying my fair share of taxes for the most part (I’m in Alberta and our provincial government is absolutely moronic and selfish when it comes to spending). If only people with actual money thought that way but no, they only care about themselves.