• bool@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Do you know what would make Latin America safe against foreign interventions and coups: robust government and civil institutions with broad popular support. Blaming America for it’s history of interventions will do nothing to protect you from China doing the same thing. The only people who can build and protect the autonomy and liberty of Latin America are the Latin Americans themselves.

    Background: my family was forced out of Nicaragua during the US intervention in the 1930s.

    • Your first-hand background is unfathomable, I have on’y seen this happen from the aggressors side for many moon’s. This being the case, I don’t think you give the reason for the international power showing up enough credit, which truly makes sense. Yet each US appearance aligns with coup’s in the area. While the US “enemy” in global power references the aggressive errors while demonstrating opposing rules of law which keep the locals in mind is a VASTLY different approach and outlook.