Smashing the boys face into a cactus

    7 months ago

    Yes I know Google exists, but how hard is it to include a link with a post? (Not to OP, but to origin).

    Does this happen due to quick screenshot and share on mobile?


    It’s bad, but more nuanced than an image headline:

    According to the reports, one of the colleagues allegedly put one of the son’s face near a cactus-like plant. Sixteen-minute body camera footage released by the department in June shows Crutchfield subtly shoving the officer, going back and forth with one of the people at the scene.

    “Officer Taisyn Crutchfield fortunately followed state-wide police training and intervened to de-escalate the situation.

    Haven’t watched the video yet, but it’s bad enough without sensationalizing.

    EDIT Video summary: Younger brother with anger issues in public after father killed by police. Older brother (who seems more calm) confronting him. Poor mom trying to deescalate.

    First officer acts well, tries to defuse. Second officer arrives and immediately begins to detain.

    The cactus was all along the wall where detention occurred. The “shoved into cactus” could just be a product of the environment, could be purposeful, angles don’t really show unfortunately, but the actions of officer 2 seem off. When moving the suspect away from the wall he briefly puts his hand near his throat. This could be training, I am not familiar enough with procedure, but none of the other officers do it.

    Suspects suitably angry but compliant after being placed in cars.

    The deescalation by the pictured officer happened after the boys were in the cars. She attempts to push officer 2 away from the mother after he says the suspects were agresive with officers. This leads me to believe there is a history with officer 2. Unfortunately for her, her action was very late, and was physical against another officer who in that moment was not being aggressive. Another officer separates them and gets them both away from the mother.

    Officers (2) were in the wrong and not deescalating properly, but have also likely been conditioned to a dangerous area. Not an excuse, but still a fact that will be considered I’m sure.

    Edit 2 I encourage everyone to watch the video. It’s long and boring, but gives good perspective into how most of these cases go. Bad behavior happens because stuff like this is so nuanced and trained from the top down. Its usually not the big things that breed it.