This comment section: “Actually I’m pretty sure the bike fell over for reasons unrelated to the stick”

      7 months ago

      How many grants are designed to be awarded to exclusively females? I don’t know, but it’s more then 0.

      Because those grants are usually in fields where the demographics are skewed male and they want more women in that workforce. That’s motivated by owners who want to lower labour cost, not because anyone’s targeting men.

      How many grants are designed to be awarded to exclusively males? Including sports or fields mainly dominated by males?

      Pretty sure men and women get scholarships to play every sport in college? And I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more males getting those scholarships than women, football teams are pretty large.

      When a girl says they are suicidal how quickly do they get support? When a man says they are suicidal, how quickly do they get support?

      That’s just because women are better communicators than men. They seek help when it’s less severe and are more likely to respond to treatment. Most men who seek help before suicide so it as a last resort, and America has really shitty healthcare. Again, not targeting men.

      Anytime iv mentioned that iv been suicidal, the “help” I get was told to man up and not think about bad stuff. Iv been going to therapy on my own and at my own cost for years to help me give the strength to wake up tomorrow.

      Well, shame on whoever told you that and I’m glad you sought help yourself. However, that’s mostly something we men are doing to themselves. We can’t blame anyone else for that, nor can anyone else but us fix it.

      Why is it males still can’t talk about their thoughts and feelings without being considered a lesser man?

      Because of other men… Have you tried having a platonic friendship with a woman or maybe better quality not man, they don’t tend to think less of you because you talk about your feelings. I talk to my friends about my feelings all the time, no one thinks of me as a lesser man.

      Why is males have 3 times the suicide rate then females?

      Because we don’t communicate our feelings as well or as often as a whole. We also tend to be less squimish about our method of suicide, when women tend to think of the aftermath more.

      Why is it until very recently, women in a divorce would normally automatically be given full custody of their children?

      It used to be a common belief in family court that mothers were more important to child development than men. This was assumed to be true as men traditionally were away at work more often and children required a stay at home mother.

      This wasn’t targeting men, it was implemented by men who believed in the idea of the atomic family.

      Why is it, when a male calls the cops over domestic violence, it’s the male who still gets arrested a majority of the time?

      Who is making that discretion? The vast majority of police officers are men, they have the discretion to determine who gets arrested.

      Why is there sigma still around a male being gay?

      By who? And do those people think being a lesbian or bi is okay?

      But yep, my male privlage gives me such a massive advantage over females, or others who identify as female, or non binary.

      I mean just legally and economically…

      use animals as a reason to keep going because on a personal level, I have nobody. I literally have to pay someone $310 CAD every month to listen to my problems.

      You think that’s not happening to women?

      Most females do not understand the isolation most males deal with.

      Most men are not dealing with that kind of isolation, and I don’t think you have hung out with enough women to make that determination.

      It’s easy to get stuck in an echo chamber because of how connected we all are, try different groups.

          7 months ago

          Again, there isn’t a single grant a female does not have access too, while males do not have the same access to all grants.

          And those grants are for what?

          But yes, males do get more grants for sports because, men play sports more often then females, and men normally enroll for sports mainly to get grants, not to become professional athletes.

          Lol, okay so men have more access, but you’re mad they don’t have exclusive access?

          third sentence, again no, men can communicate just fine, it’s just when we do, we are seen as lesser men. Stigmatization.

          And the consequences of that is…men not communicating.

          iv told close female friends and male friends of mine about me going to therapy and most times after iv done so, the people I told treat me differently. They treat me like a snowflake.

          Sounds like you just have shitty friends.

          Also, most of my friends are actually female belive it or not. I have a very small group of friends, and it’s nearly a 2:1 ratio of females to male. I love this so much, you don’t know fuck all about me, yet you assume so much

          Well, you were the one who said you were completely alone and isolated and only relied on the comfort of your cats for companionship. Now you say you have a bunch of gal pals, but they call you snowflake when you tell them you in counseling?

          Jesus christ you must consider yourself a victim.

          Lol, why? I have great talks about mental health with my homies all the time. I’m a happily married man, with a wife who cares about how I feel just as I care about how she feels.

          Also what echo chamber am I in? What gives you this impression?

          FEMALE! It’s a dead giveaway my friend. Also the whole grant and suicide thing is a pretty popular trope in those circles, despite being pretty easy to explain if you actually did a little research.

          never really had a father figure. I was the only male in a house of 4. 1 mother and 2 sisters. I raised with a female mindset, and did it ever cause me problems trying to make male friends.

          There is no uniform mindset for men or women. If you spend all your effort caring about what people think of you, or worrying if you’re being manly enough, you’re never going to find the time to actually find someone or something that makes you happy.

          is blaming men for everything.

          Alternatively who’s fault is it? Are women responsible for our mental health? Who else can be responsible for your mental health other than yourself?

        • Funderpants
          7 months ago

          A gish gallop, easily googled, is when someone makes a large number of arguments regardless of quality instead of quality arguments.

          Other approaches to debate you should get familiar with are ad hominem and strawman, I won’t answer your questions about those though because, like the gish gallop, they are easily googled.

            • Funderpants
              7 months ago

              You didn’t make objective arguments, you made ten assertions in the form of questions, without sources or papers or support, and then attacked me personally with a story you made up on the spot with absolutely no true knowledge of me or my background.

              You have no credibility, and nobody should listen to you, and certainly nobody should waste time cataloging, researching, sourcing and then articulating a response to that gish gallop.

                • Funderpants
                  7 months ago

                  Ah yes, classic gish gallop. You make 10 claims with no support and everyone else needs to do the legwork.

                  Yet I present you with a single term, gish gallop, and you ask me for the definition. Curious this double standard. Further demonstration that you are an unserious person making an unserious argument.

                  You’re picking fights, more or less.

                  Now, let me pick one of your points to counter and at the same time demonstrate why the gish gallop makes you unserious.

                  A serious person would, for example, not just ask why men have a 3x higher suicide rate, but would at least cover the gender paradox and therefore recognize that young women have higher rates of suicidal ideation and attempt suicide more often than men of the same age. Women overall attempt suicide 2 to 4x more often but have a lower completion rate. Gender discrepancies in suicide completion come down to myriad factors including the tool used and strength differences, not typically found to be due to men getting a bad deal from society though, or whatever point you wanted to make.

                  So here’s the thing, you get to make that 3x claim devoid of meaningful sources and context (and I will reply in turn ala Hitchens Razer) , and in a single sentence tucked in the middle of a pile of other claims. Me, on the other hand, have to write a whole paragraph to dispute it. Now imagine how long and involved a reply to the full gish gallop is. It will, in fact, be longer to address each and every talking point you make than it was for you to write it. Worse, you push the burden of finding evidence for your claims off onto others. Worse still, as you’ve already demonstrated, being called out leads you to ad hominem and strawman arguments.

                  You aren’t serious and nobody should feel obligated to reply to you as if you are.