There was not the case with Americas. Americas were forgotten (I know why, shut up).
You made this to specifically forget about New Zealand, right?
New what now?
You clearly made that up because there’s no Old Zealand on the map.
Technically there is. Zealand is the island where Copenhagen is located and that is definitely on the map.
Yeah but technically New Zealand was named after the Dutch province of Zeeland, not the Danish island.
It’s always been funny to me that they named New Zealand after that tiny little island.
I wanted to point out that Zealand isn’t that small but in comparison to New Zealand it really is, Zealand is about 7000km² while new Zealand is about 270.000km². So New Zealand is about 38 times bigger.
“Now new -> the NEW Zealand! With 38 times more Zealand!”
Even better if you use Dutch Zeeland as HK65 mentioned. It has just 1780 km2 of land mass. That makes New Zealand 151 times bigger. And with almost 5.000.000 people in New Zealand vs 400.000 in Zeeland, it’s “just” 12.5 times more populated.
Middle earth is fictional, everyone knows that!
Hey buddy, we don’t take kindly to you just making up countries round these parts.
Clearly whatever country you are talking about fell off the edge of our rectangle a long time ago.
And Hawaii :(
I call bullshit Greenland never has any data ever
Fake, Portugal is clearly there.
What’s the name of that country in the middle of the Netherlands?? Can’t seem to remember.
Also Maldives, Seychelles, Comoros, Tonga, Samoa, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Palau, Solomon Islands, Vanatu, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nuaru, and… I think that’s it.
Edit: Silly me, I forgot one. Fiji, how could I forget Fiji?
no problem, we still love you 🇲🇺
You forgot Poland