Today’s game is Far Cry 3. I got to do this whole quest chain where you go through some old temples and stuff. The whole thing was a lot of fun and helped break up the pattern the game had going. As much fun as i was having i felt it was starting to drag on with the some sort of missions it was having it do. The ruins questlines really highlighted how pretty the game is though. The above i took while exploring one. It’s hard to believe this is a PS3/360 era game. It looks closer out of PS3 era.
One of them had you jump in this pit of water (in the picture above i’m looking out of the pit of water), which if you’ve ever played Fallout 4, reminded me a lot of that mineshaft filled with water that’s a big Lovecraft reference. I spent a little bit swimming around underwater looking for things but couldn’t find any.
One of the tombs was filled with these skeletons which had really dorky looking skeletons. Their ribs were all wonky and they were missing a ton of bones which makes them look silly.
Finally, i went into this cave supposedly full of acid. I have to say, for Acid it looks really drinkable in this waterfall. On my water rating system i give it a S, for “Stings, but this water looks really good”
FC3 is the best Far Cry game!
I was pleasantly surprised by New Dawn. I had some big complaints about 5, so I initially assumed New Dawn (being a direct sequel to 5) was going to be more of the same. It was an interesting take on the series’ formula.
god, I miss when Ubisoft weren’t shit
can’t wait for them to go bankrupt. Then we can have another good Far Cry game, hopefully, when the rights are snapped up at auction.
Thanks for posting these! I’ve caught nearly every one since you started and have given me motivation some days to start up something and play for a bit. And I’ve never regretted it because I do enjoy gaming. On those blah days seeing someone being excited about a game lifts my mood enough to do it myself and end up feeling pretty good and having fun
I hope you don’t forget anytime soon! I appreciate your enthusiasm for your games and following along with your progress is very wholesome as well
That’s awesome to hear because getting people excited to play a game is my entire goal with these (along with introducing people to new games or just reminding them of old ones)
Seeing your posts really makes me want to pick up a lot of these games you’ve been playing. Tbh this is so much more effective to me than most modern game ads.
Introducing people to new games is one of my favorite parts of doing this. It makes me happy to hear that someone thought to give a game a try because of me
Its so vibrant.