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Please for the love god do this.
Based honestly
Isn’t that what the EU border adjustment mechanism is?
Yes. It’s about to activate in 2026, I believe.
That is what a border adjustment mechanism is. This is a Canadian newspaper though.
The Left party in Sweden has been saying the same thing.
China fucked. If we all do it to China that is.
China is stepping down pollution at a rate unimaginable to Americans, and theyre only high polluters because we shipped them our dirty jobs. Also, they could pass that carbon tax down to consumers because we don’t have the industry to do it anymore. Like Trump’s tariffs. We no longer have the ability to step up steelworks much, and it would take years to get caught up, and by then, the investment likely wouldn’t be worth it.
They arent polluting far less than the US but it is less. Sadly this only shows 2000-2023, because that only shows Chinas major growth period where emissions went up overall. If you were to look at the last 5 years or so you would see they are actually reducing drastically and will probably never reach the pollution level of the US and keep improving much faster than the US.
I know the title says carbon tax, but there is a shit ton more pollutants than CO2. Anything done properly is doing to look at pollution. I was in Beijing once and holy fuck at the pollution.
While I agree that we should be looking at other forms of pollution as well, I wonder why you’re bringing China up in a discussion about Canada imposing a carbon tariff on the USA?
Seriously? Because we should be imposing pollution tariffs on everyone. Trade doesn’t work so well when country A has strict environmental laws and country B doesn’t. Example of the century: China.
We is Canada here? Yeah, they probably should, but that’s not really relevant to this discussion, which is about Canada retaliating against US tariffs. This is not a discussion where China is relevant, because its about the US and Canada. I don’t disagree with you from a policy standpoint, so I won’t make any more responses, but relevance is important.
Sigh. All trade from every country in the world to every other country in the world should consider pollution. To have proper trade between all countries. In the world. All countries. Every single one. All of them.
Thats not what this post is about tho and that also doesnt have a global effect.
Well it basically is. And ozone layer, acid rain, mercury and plastics in the ocean, etc don’t have a global effect? What’s the new one, aluminum in satellites burning up destroying the ozone layer. It’s funny that people have forgotten about pollution.