Teams room technician here. Just wanna say= fuck teams. For the love of god, use any implementation of video conferencing besides teams.
One small detail that encapsulates all that’s wrong with teams= the software that runs the room-scale experience frequently refers to itself as ‘skype for business’, even in current, official documentation from Microsoft. Hell, the (well known) default password for the system is the acronym ‘sfb’.
Please. If you’re spec’ing new software for video conferencing, use anything but teams.
Oh! I always thought that password was short for “Sam Fankman-Bried”
When I worked for Bell, they had just ended their WFH policy. I was required to be in the office every day. The rest of my team was still under the policy according to their contract, including my boss who was a 10 minute walk from the office, so they all worked from home. And most of my meetings involved teams in 3 different cities, not to mention the fact that it was Bell, so all meetings were over the phone with a screen sharing app. There were some other people that worked in the office, but they worked with different teams so I didn’t interact with them beyond saying “hi” in the break room as I was getting coffee. But it was apparently very important that I be in the office.
Some days I really appreciate the fact that I left IT.
Fuck Bell
I don’t get it, apart from companies wanting to cover their corporate real estate investments.
All of my work is on a computer
All of my colleagues’ work is on computer.
So why the fuck would I want to meet in person to address a problem? So one of us can literally breathe down the other’s neck looking at the same screen?
For their greedy brains, this is literally about control and surveillance. They can’t make sure that you are working the full company time and even overtime while at home in your comfort and pyjamas.
You just said it in your first sentence. It’s not rocket surgery, your literal meat existence will be used for passive profit.
I still remember several months into the pandemic how my then-company’s VP brought up how we can go back into the office, but we wouldn’t be able to meet in the same room or be in close proximity to each other, and so any/all communications would still need to be done via MS Teams.
I think even he realized how ridiculous that sounded because there was a momentary pause before he finished his sentence.