🛸 📁 Your notes are about to land: Joplin progresses on filesystem mirror
In proposed PR Joplin creates a folder mirroring your notes as plain text files and notebooks as (sub)folders
To learn and more and watch the progress subscribe to the PR: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/pull/10448
That’s pretty much what I wanted from this. Time to try it out again once its ready. Is there a reason the app couldn’t just store notes in plain text as a standard? Sorry if that is a silly question, haven’t used Joplin much.
The answer why Joplin actually shouldn’t rely on filesystem as its source of truth is twofold: Search and scalability
Joplin can handle hundreds of thousands of notes and the search is pretty much instant. Relying on filesystem would defeat both of these features
This would make me switch back from obsidian